he part of Erzsébetváros that falls closer to the downtownof Budapest has been referred to as ‘the Jewish Quarter‘ since the 2000s. This is a historical label: the district has been home to the religious centres of the Orthodox Jews of Budapest since the 19th century. This includes the synagogue in Dohány utca (the second largest synagogue in Europe), the Synagogue in Rumbach utca, and the synagogue in Kazinczy utca. In 1944, this area (between Király utca, Kertész utca, Dohány utca and Károly körút) was allotted to be the ghetto, which segregated several thousands of Jews. Since then, the wealthier families have left the dilapidating quarter, leaving several houses uninhabited. Since 2000, so-called ruin pubs have been popping up in an increasing number of these buildings and their inner courtyards. These clubs (e.g. Szimpla, Ellátó kert, , Mika Tivadar Mulató, Kőleves kert, and some of ) still enjoy unfaltering popularity.
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